The International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA San Salvador), successfully closed its International Border Interdiction Training course, which was delivered by instructors from the United States Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP).
Law enforcement officials from Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Panama, Uruguay and El Salvador gained important knowledge regarding border security and transnational organized crime.
Training was enhanced through practical hours focusing on areas such as field work to reinforce techniques related to import and export operations, incident command structure, admission processes, methods of concealment of passengers and commercial vehicles, smuggling detections, passenger and luggage processing, pedestrian control, document analysis, inspection techniques, officer safety, border patrol operations and the role of investigations in law enforcement operations in general.
ILEA San Salvador will continue to provide this type of training, to invigorate the work of justice sector institutions in the fight against transnational crimes in the region, thus contributing to building more just societies.