Welcome to ILEA San Salvador

Welcome to the website of the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA San Salvador). We are a binational institution that focuses on training law enforcement professionals of Latin America and the Caribbean in order to provide them with modern tools and techniques, to combat transnational crime, thereby contributing to the economic and social development of our nations.

ILEA San Salvador is part of a network of international academies that were created at the initiative of the former U.S. President Bill Clinton, to fight transnational crimes such as the international trafficking of drugs, criminality and terrorism. Founded in the year 2005, with the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Justice and Public Security of El Salvador and the Embassy of the United States of America in El Salvador, in order to provide world-class training in a multicultural environment that fosters harmonious coexistence and teamwork.

ILEA News Feed

ILEA closed course on leadership in crisis situations

ILEA closed course on leadership in crisis situations

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ILEA San Salvador clausuró curso sobre Tráfico de Personas y Explotación Infantil

ILEA San Salvador clausuró curso sobre Tráfico de Personas y Explotación Infantil

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CBP capacitó a funcionarios sobre interdicción de Carga Aérea

CBP capacitó a funcionarios sobre interdicción de Carga Aérea

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ILEA San Salvador capacitó a funcionarios sobre el uso delictivo de las criptomonedas.

ILEA San Salvador capacitó a funcionarios sobre el uso delictivo de las criptomonedas.

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ILEA San Salvador clausuró curso sobre Investigaciones Post-explosiones

ILEA San Salvador clausuró curso sobre Investigaciones Post-explosiones

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José Pablo Cortés Salas

José Pablo Cortés Salas

The investigation was completed on September 21, 2020. It was carried out between Costa Rica and Panama

Alumni in Focus

A criminal organization involved in Illegal Human Smuggling of Migrants based in Panama and Costa Rica, with criminal connections in the region's transit countries, was identified. The victims were mobilized from their country of origin by air to Brazil or Ecuador, and then illegally crossed Colombia until they reached the border with Panama … read more

Recent Events See More Events


ILEA organized a virtual workshop for the Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

December 01 2021 14:00
Events Hall

Through the Youth Violence Prevention Program, the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA San Salvador) conducted a virtual workshop focused on gender-based violence with the support of the …

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